Chen, C., Niehaus, J. K., Dinc, F., Huang, K. L., Barnette, A. L., Tassou, A., Shuster, S. A., Wang, L., Lemire, A., Menon, V., Ritola, K., Hantman, A., Zeng, H., Schnitzer, M. J., & Scherrer, G. (2024). Neural circuit basis of placebo pain relief. Nature, 632(8027), 1092–1100.
Selected Press Coverage:
Nature: How do placebos ease pain? Mouse brain study offers clues
PNAS: Seeking the roots of the placebo effect, neuroscientists find the brain circuit that delivers relief
NIH Director’s Blog: Study Identifies Previously Unknown Pain Control Pathway Underlying Placebo Effect
Migraine Science Collaborative: A Newly Discovered Neural Circuit for Placebo Pain Relief
NeurologyToday: Novel Brain Circuit Underlies Placebo Pain Relief in Animal Model
Chen, J.*, Kaufmann, W.*, Chen, C., Arai, I., Kim, O., Shigemoto, R., Jonas, P. (2024). Developmental transformation of Ca2+ channel-vesicle nanotopography at a central GABAergic synapse. Neuron. *Equal contribution
Chen, C.*, Tassou, A., Morales, V., & Scherrer, G.* (2023). Graph theory analysis reveals an assortative pain network vulnerable to attacks. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 21985. *Corresponding author
Li, S.-B.*, Damonte, V. M.*, Chen, C., Wang, G. X., Kebschull, J. M., Yamaguchi, H., Bian, W.-J., Purmann, C., Pattni, R., Urban, A. E., Mourrain, P., Kauer, J. A., Scherrer, G., & de Lecea, L. (2022). Hyperexcitable arousal circuits drive sleep instability during aging. Science, 375(6583), eabh3021. * Equal contribution
Mercer Lindsay, N., Chen, C., Gilam, G., Mackey, S., & Scherrer, G. (2021). Brain circuits for pain and its treatment. Science Translational Medicine, 13(619), eabj7360.
Chen, C., Satterfield, R., Young, S. M., Jr, & Jonas, P. (2017). Triple Function of Synaptotagmin 7 Ensures Efficiency of High-Frequency Transmission at Central GABAergic Synapses. Cell Reports, 21(8), 2082–2089.
Chen, C., & Jonas, P. (2017).Synaptotagmins: That’s Why So Many. Neuron, 94(4), 694–696.
Chen, C., Arai, I., Satterfield, R., Young, S. M., Jr, & Jonas, P. (2017). Synaptotagmin 2 Is the Fast Ca2+ Sensor at a Central Inhibitory Synapse. Cell Reports, 18(3), 723–736.
Shen, F.-Y., Chen, Z.-Y., Zhong, W., Ma, L.-Q., Chen, C., Yang, Z.-J., Xie, W.-L., & Wang, Y.-W. (2015). Alleviation of neuropathic pain by regulating T-type calcium channels in rat anterior cingulate cortex. Molecular Pain, 11, 7.
Chen, C., Shen, F.-Y., Zhao, X., Zhou, T., Xu, D.-J., Wang, Z.-R., & Wang, Y.-W. (2015).Low-dose sevoflurane promotes hippocampal neurogenesis and facilitates the development of dentate gyrus-dependent learning in neonatal rats. ASN Neuro, 7(2).